Hodson assessment of phonological processes
Hodson assessment of phonological processes

Tables for converting Raw Scores to Ability Scores and Percentiles (to qualify a child for treatment services when required) are in an Appendix.ĬOMPLETE HAPP-3 KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, 25 Comprehensive Phonological Evaluation Record Forms, 25 Major Phonological Deviations Analysis Forms, 25 Substitutions and Other Strategies Analysis Forms, 50 Preschool Phonological Screening Record Forms, 50 Multisyllabic Word Screening Record Forms, 1 Multisyllabic Word Screening Picture Sheet, 30-piece Object Kit, and 13 Picture Cards, all in a storage box.


The manual also includes a chapter about phonological intervention principles and procedures. Examples of the deviations are provided, and coding instructions are explained thoroughly. Objects and a few pictures are used to elicit 50 stimulus words. The Examiner's Manual includes explicit instructions for administering and analyzing the HAPP-3. The HAPP-3 Comprehensive Phonological Evaluation can be administered in less than 20 minutes. The screening instruments, which can be administered in less than 5 minutes, yield results that help the examiner determine whether further testing is needed. The child's productions are transcribed, analyzed, and summarized on either the Preschool Phonological Screening Record Form (for children 2 years of age and older) or the Multisyllabic Word Screening Record Form (for students 8 years of age and older).

hodson assessment of phonological processes

Two screening tools also are included (12 stimulus words for each).

  • specifying consonant and vowel inventories,.
  • The Comprehensive Phonological Evaluation Record Form provides spaces for
  • obtaining scores for documenting treatment effects over time (for evidence-based practice).
  • identifying major phonological patterns that need to be targeted (for goal statement), and.
  • determining severity intervals/ratings (mild, moderate, severe, profound) along a continuum,.
  • coding and categorizing phonological deviations,.
  • The HAPP-3 Comprehensive Phonological Evaluation can be administered in less than 20 minutes.
  • comprehensive evaluation analysis forms that are larger and "user friendly.".
  • stimulus words and phonetic transcriptions that have been updated and internationalized, and.
  • provision of normative data and technical information,.
  • The HAPP-3, as well as its predecessors (APP, 1980 APP-R, 1986), was designed for children with highly unintelligible speech. The Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns–Third Edition (HAPP-3 Hodson, 2004) is a valid, reliable, standardized test that is norm-referenced and also criterion-referenced. Consumer Product Safety Commission are now included in the HAPP-3 kit.
  • Objects that conform to the choke-proof guidelines recognized by the U.S.
  • hodson assessment of phonological processes

    Two screening components are included-Multisyllabic words and Preschool.The HAPP-3 stimulus words and transcriptions have been "internationalized.".The third edition (formerly APP-R) is now norm-referenced as well as criterion-referenced.Testing Time: 15-20 minutes (comprehensive) 2-5 minutes (screening) Ages: 2 years to any age (if intelligibility is an issue) Normative data provided for Ages 3-0 to 8-0

    Hodson assessment of phonological processes